The 12-12 Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadeloupe


    Today is the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadeloupe.  According to tradition, Mother Mary appeared to Juan Diego, who was an Aztec convert to Christianity, on December 9th and again on December 12th, 1531. According to the traditional account, the name of Guadalupe, as the name was heard or understood by Spaniards, was chosen by the Virgin herself when she appeared on the hill outside Mexico City. 

    I have created an altar to commemorate this feast day (even though I'm not Catholic!) and to emphasize the significance of this occurring on the twelfth day of the twelfth month of the year. The figurine represents Our Lady of Guadeloupe, the Divine Feminine, who is flooding the earth with Her blessings and love - to restore the balance of masculine and feminine energies to humanity and our world. 

    The twelve tea lights symbolize the significance of the number twelve, a symbol of balance, as it is made up of two perfect numbers (six and three). Twelve also symbolizes totality and wholeness. There are twelve months in a year, twelve constellations in the zodiac, and twelve fifth dimensional strands of DNA in the human body. As we ascend from the third dimension to the fifth, these twelve strands of DNA will be activated, allowing us to be whole and balanced children of our Father-Mother God. 

    The twelve crystals on my altar represent the twelve fifth dimensional solar chakras of the human body. The traditional third-dimensional chakra colors follow the spectrum of the rainbow, while the extended 12 chakra system adds colors associated with metals and other elements. The 12 chakra system brings forth the vision of our connection to the entire universe. As we learn about these chakras and how to balance them we will be more connected with all living beings and One with our Father-Mother God. 

For further information: 5th Dimensional 12-Chakra System

                                                 Co-creating a Foundation of Love


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