Ode to Autumn


    Like many people, I enjoy creating nature arrangements for each season. I usually try to include something symbolic of each of the four elements as done with earth-based religious altars. While I do not subscribe to a particular nature-worshipping religion, such as paganism, I do embrace the pantheistic belief in the Divine as immanent; the Divine existing in everything and everything having a Divine aspect. (After all, didn't God create the universe from Godself?)

    The earth element can be symbolized by rocks or crystals, or anything that is grown in the earth. My fall arrangement includes dried grasses, pumpkins, and pine cones. The pumpkins remind us of nature's abundance, especially present at harvest time, while the dried grasses and seeds add a touch of melancholy to the scene because I always hate to see summer go. Throughout history, pine cones have been a symbol of human enlightenment, resurrection, eternal life and regeneration, so they are a meaningful addition to any sacred altar. 

    The fire element is symbolized by candles. Some people believe that the flames help to manifest their specific desires. They remind me of the divine light that shines in every human heart. I have written several posts about Divine Light in my blog, Building Bridges of Oneness. Since I am writing this on Election Day 2022, I will share the post I wrote twelve years ago about the power of light to change the world where politics never can: Building Bridges of Light.

    The water element is represented here by three shells that I found in Turtle Lake this summer. Water is an ancient and universal symbol of purity, fertility and the source of life. Spending time in and near water brings us joy. The shells remind me of afternoons spent kayaking on nearby lakes during the summer. 

    The air element is symbolized by two glass birds and two bird feathers. Birds are thought to be messengers from heaven. They exist to bless us and bring messages of peace and love from the angels. In recent years I have been planting the native flowers, shrubs and trees that birds depend on for their sustenance. My husband and I also have bird feeders outside of the windows of the sunroom where we eat, so we can share mealtime with our feathered friends. If you like the idea of birds as angelic messengers you might like to listen to this guided meditation with Diana Cooper: Soar High with the Birds

    I hope that some of you will share your own fall arrangements. You can send them to me at: evanlaeys@yahoo.com. Let me know if I have your permission to post your pictures on my blog. 

    The nature-themed painting on the wall was done by my brother, Chris Lissandrello - artist extraordinaire!

My cousin, Joyce Lissandrello, shared her autumn welcome sign: 


  1. I love this! I've often thought about setting up an altar in my home space but haven't done it. I have just the spot, though--I'll work on it this weekend. Thank you for the inspiration.

    1. You're welcome, Hannah. I'll look forward to seeing what you create!


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